Enrolling at RHPS
Our vision is to inspire all learners to be curious and creative. We strive to develop resilient and ethical citizens with the skills to thrive in a diverse and global community.
Thank you for expressing an interest in joining Rolling Hills Primary School. We look forward to meeting you and your child and welcoming you to our amazing school community.
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Rolling Hills Primary School.
Our school is using an online system for new Foundation (Prep) enrolments to Victorian government schools, called VicStudents.
To get started:
- Visit https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/ to create an account and complete the online application form by Friday 26 July 2024. If you would prefer to submit a paper application form, please contact us.
- We will then review the information submitted and be in contact with you by Friday 9 August 2024.
- You should accept one enrolment offer by Friday 23 August 2024. When accepting an offer, you will be required to provide additional personal and health information that will be shared with the school.
More information
The Department of Education has created a Quick Reference Guide to help you get started. For more information about enrolling your child into a Victorian government primary school, visit Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
We conduct tours at 9:30am every Tuesday morning throughout Terms 1 and 2. Use the website link to book or call our friendly office staff on 03 9726 4454.
Important Dates
- Submit an enrolment application for Foundation by Friday 26 July 2024
- You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August 2024. If you receive an offer, you should accept the offer by Friday 23 August 2024.
- Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4 2024.
- Your child will start Foundation from Wednesday 6th February 2025.
Your child has a right to enrol at their local school. Your child’s local school is determined on the basis of their permanent residential address. If you are seeking to apply to enrol your child in a school that is not their local school, you should read about school zones, how they work and how applications are prioritised using the Department’s Placement Policy, found on the enrolling in a school page.
We look forward to offering you a tour and sharing more information regarding our school and our excellent learning programs.
Warmest regards,
Craig Bradley
Additional supporting materials
Fact Sheet – Enrolling in primary school for 2025